Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Your speed is...

Driving around north Georgia, there has been a noticeable change on the landscape. Some communities have created speed signs with radar guns in them to tell you what a policeman would see if he were pointing his radar gun at you. One city, Roswell, actually flashes the speed if you are doing more than the posted limit.

Speeders may not like these, but law-abiding folks probably do - a gentle reminder to "Slow it down" as the Roswell police have been trying to do, seemingly unsuccessfully, for years. I must admit, I do speed - a little anyway, normally no more than 5 miles over the speed limit, with gusts up to 10 over as my wife likes to say. So when my speed is gusting while passing one of the Your speed is signs, its time to back off on the accelerator.

Another great thing about these speed guns is it gives us a place to test our speedometers. It may not be easy when the roads are crowded, but early in the morning you will be able to see your exact speed. Then, the next time somebody comes up on your butt, you'll know that you are doing the limit (or 5 mph over).

Georgia has passed a new super-speeder law that increases speeding fines across the board, up to $400 extra if you are caught doing 85 on a four lane highway. This will keep more people within the legal limit without a doubt. With the economy the way it is the quickest way to change bad habits is through the wallet (or pocketbook, as the case may be). A law-enforcement friend has told me that at least initially, when the law goes into effect in January, 2010, some departments are intending stricter enforcement. Some cities have already begun stricter enforcement. According to the Gainesville Times, the police are already out citing drivers for speeding infractions and trying to slow down cars in general.

Now if your a "5 mph over" guy like me you may want to check your speed the next time you go past a radar gun speed sign, not because you will get a super-speeder ticket but because of the stricter enforcement. And if you are in the super-speeder category, the next time you get stopped and fined for speeding watch for a second bill mailed to you from the state. This will be your super-speeder fine.

Before you ask, the super-speeding money (estimated to be $32 million in 2010) is tagged to support trauma care in the state.